I’m still trying to figure out how to properly configure SteemPress. If anyone is familiar with the plugin, would you be willing to help me out / field some questions? Or does anyone know their discord channel?
–Wordpress Edit–
If I edit the post on WordPress, does it update on Steem??
–Steem Edit–
YES!! Yes it does!! What about the other way round?
–Steem Edit–
Nope. That’s a no. Okay… so if I ever accidentally edit from the Steem side, Im guessing and further edits from the WordPress side will overwrite it…. So I’d have to copy whatever I write here, and paste it on the WordPress side to avoid losing data? Hm.
–Wordpress Edit–
Whale. Okay, I guess that’ll just be a thing now then. So my next question is… if I initiate the post on Steem……..?