Y’ALL I DID IT!!! I PUT OUT FOUR FREAKIN ALBUMS IN LIKE A MONTH! Oh yea. It’s a thing that totally happened. I made this. Thank you all for being SO patient with me as I promised and promised that the songs were coming. I had to readjust some life and some beliefs, but yea. I finally got over that lil hump in my brain. And now, there’s music. Oh, and oh man, I’m REALLY, really proud of the Christmas album. Like… Really proud.
Hahah. It is so beautifully demented. Oh man. I BOUGHT A FREAKIN PIANO (more or less) SPECIFICALLY to make one of the songs just a LITTLE more unsettling. And I love it. I hope you love it. Anyway, I’m going to make a big vat of food, and lay my butt down for the rest of the evening. I think I actually earned it this time. And then the new week begins.
My dream is that these releases will help cover my finances this month so I can maybe eek out a few pieces of jewelry before Christmas, too? (Look who suddenly got all ambitious). So, this week, I’m going to try to live stream as much as I can, hopefully I’ll make enough to cut some physical CDs I can peddle when I’m busking, and hopefully I’ll get into my art studio and start cutting some metal. Oh yea, I got plans. But first, let me just say some HUGE thanks to everyone who helped me crank this one out. To all of my lovelies on Twitch for your inspiration, to Thomas for literally being Thomas, to Poo and Ma and Inque and the rest who fielded random-hour’d inquiries, to my housemate and neighbors for not murdering me while I figured out how to play Santa Claws is Coming, and to my computer for rising to the challenge. I complain about it a lot, but really, this machine has gotten me through some things. So thank you to all, and to all the many many I didn’t mention.
Side Note:
There actually Was a bit of reason behind the season(s warning)
- Here Comes Santa Claws
- The first whispers
- Wreck the Halls
- Santa surveying his targets from on high
- Santa Daddy
- Unsuspecting citizens still hopeful for a good year
- Santa Claw is Coming (G’itar)
- Take Heed
- Silent Naught
- Twilight is Upon Us
- Grandma Got Runned Over
- The first casualty
- God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen
- INTERLUDE!! I… had to put in ONE respite, one unmaimed song for my mother
- Nuttin for Christmas
- With a personal vendetta against Elf on a Shelf this is the ONE realist in the village. But really, you should be just as wary of Him as of the other winter creatures bumping in the night.
- Santa Claws is Coming (Piano)
- How many warnings do you need?
- Christmas Time is Killing Us
- Just in case you wonder why Santa is out to get everyone
- Rudolph the Psycho Reindeer
- Really, there’s no defense against this unholy tag team
- Black Christmas
- I…started writing this to be an extension of a funny inside joke with my family… but… then I missed my family… and kind of bled out into the song… ma bad.
- Santa Claws (instruMental)
- Lucky 13. But really, if you haven’t headed the warning yet, the I don’t know what else to do for you.
Hehe. Anyhoo, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoyed making it. This was really a super fun project. And oh man, did it give me some ideas for 2020. So, as always: Stay Tuned, there is more to come.
LO HICIMOS! ¡GRABÉ CUATRO ALBUMES EN UN MES! Es algo que totalmente sucediĂł. Yo lo hice. Gracias a todos por ser tan pacientes conmigo como prometĂ y prometĂ que las canciones llegarĂan. Tuve que reajustar algo de la vida y algunas creencias, pero sĂ. Finalmente superĂ© esa pequeña joroba en mi cerebro. Y ahora, hay mĂşsica. Y jo, estoy SUPER orgullosa del álbum de Navidad. Digo… SUPER orgulloso.
Jaja, está tan bellamente demente. COMPRÉ UN PIANO (más o menos) ESPECĂŤFICAMENTE para que una de las canciones serĂa UN POCO más inquietante. Y me encanta. Espero que os encante. Pero bueno, voy a hacer una gran tina de comida, y descansar el resto de la noche. Creo que esta vez me lo ganĂ©. Y entonces empieza la semana nueva.
El espero es que estos álbumes me ayuden a cubrir mis finanzas este mes, asĂ que quizás tambiĂ©n pueda crear algunas joyas antes de Navidad. (Mira quiĂ©n de repente se volviĂł todo ambiciosa). Entonces, esta semana, voy a tratar de transmitir en Twitch tanto como pueda, con suerte harĂ© lo suficiente para impresar algunos CD fĂsicos que pueda llevar cuando cante en la calle, y con suerte entrarĂ© a mi estudio de arte y empezar a cortar algo de metal. Oh sĂ, tengo planes. Pero primero, dejadme ofrecer algunas gracias ENORMES a todos los que me ayudaron con el proyecto. A todos mis queridos de Twitch por su inspiraciĂłn, a Thomas por ser literalmente Thomas, a Poo y Ma y Inque y a los demas a que enviĂ© preguntas en horas al azar, a mi compañero de casa y a los vecinos por no asesinarme mientras aprendĂa cĂłmo tocar Santa Claws está Llegando, y a mi ordenador por estar a la altura del desafĂo. Me quejo mucho, pero realmente, esta máquina me ha ayudado a superar bastantes cosas. AsĂ que gracias a todos y a todos los muchos que no mencionĂ©. Este fue realmente un proyecto sĂşper divertido. Y!! me dio algunas ideas para 2020! Miles de gracias y mil besos.

(photo by Ryan Stone)

(photo by @isaahorn)

(photo by Tamim Arafat)